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A beautiful loving truth bomb for a reflective rainy Saturday morning in late December...

A beautiful loving truth bomb for a reflective rainy Saturday morning in late December....

I know this story so personally, for most of my adult life I have not been friends with my body at all!!! I have strictly controlled my body, starved it, excessively exercised it , exhausted it from lack of sleep, pushing through my body's innate wisdom and warnings for me to stop. Did I listen??? No, I just pushed more. I created hashimotos disease (the only thing that stopped me in my tracks for a little while ) then I just got up and pushed again. I have lost count of how many years I have looked in the mirror and hurled abuse at my self in the form of the words "I'm fat".The crazy diets I've been on, the meal replacements shakes, the lean cuisines, the endless days of not eating at all then the midnight bingeing to satisfy my hunger... to look at me, you would not know the inner hatered I was waging on myself as I always look and act happy... but I wasn't.

I have finally been brave enough to actually take the biggest breath of my life and actually love me, trust me and own my beauty, my confidence, and my unique "Jackie".

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