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"Your Health is an Investment not an Expense.

Eat Good

 Feel Good"

Why dōTERRA?

Why dōTERRA? Well I am so glad you asked this question because it gives me a chance to explain to you "Why dōTERRA?". This is a long read so I ask that you take the time to read and evaluate and by all means examine and research everything I have to say about the reasons I provide as to "Why dōTERRA" and should you still have questions about any aspect of dōTERRA to contact me for further information as I would be only too happy to talk directly to you.

This is a question that of course - like you - asked myself once and many times since when I rediscovered essential oils but more importantly the quality of the essential oils I was using.


and continue to ask myself and to be asked by many people. I love being asked this question because it cements and reaffirms the reasons behind my "Why dōTERRA" and allows me to share all that I have come to love and learn about dōTERRA products and dōTERRA as a company.




















After having conducted my own research between the many different offerings in the market I cannot overlook the amazing dōTERRA products and perhaps even more compelling are some of the other reasons I like dōTERRA so much such as their co-impact sourcing initiatives of botanical plants to create their essential oil products and their healing hands programs.

I have devoted and dedicated a number of years I have graced this planet in helping others in the health and wellness industry beginning as a registered nurse, who has transitioned into a holistic nurse consultant. I have worked for and consulted to some of Australia's leading and exclusive health resorts. For many years, essential oils have been an integral part of my nurse’s tool kit, so to speak. I have always been a believer and advocate of holistic health care. To look at the root or cause of health issues rather than just treating the symptoms.


There are so many essential oil choices on the market, so why doTerra? It’s a good question. A question I would expect you to ask. A question I would certainly ask. Quite simply I choose doTerra because it is the best. I’ve tried many other products over the years and nothing even comes close.

I am blessed that my background has given me the perfect platform to understand the ‘science’ behind wellness and behind doTerra’s products. And let me just say that the science and the outcomes are impressive. Through my coaching clinics and my time as a RN and counsellor in some of Australia’s leading Health Retreats I have seen firsthand how the healing powers of DoTerra’s essential oils work. The oils have helped so many people in so many ways; you only need check out my webpage/Facebook page for testimonials from people of all ages and walks of life.

Nourish, Balance, Wellness is not just my mantra, but it is something that I truly believe in. My life’s purpose is to help others achieve health and wellness, and doTerra has been an integral part of that. This said, I want to share with you the reasons why ‘Nurse Jackie’ chooses doTerra essential oils.

  1. For the quality. Pure and simple, (literally).

Today’s modern woman is savvy, intelligent and she knows that quality is of the utmost importance. Thankfully this is something that doTerra can deliver in a way that no other similar product on the market can.

‘Oils ain’t oils.’ As John Laws said in the well-known Castrol advertisement. The Gen X’s and Baby Boomers will remember this iconic ad well, where John talked about the importance of using a pure and high quality fuel. Thankfully doTerra offers just this, 100% pure essential oils, nothing added, no nasty fillers (aka synthetic compounds), which means that they are ‘therapeutic’ grade. (Therapeutic means that they are …) As somebody who cares passionately about health and wellness this is music to my ears. A completely natural, safe and gentle way to approach our everyday aches and ailments.

And whilst John was talking about cars, the same can definitely be applied to our bodies: what we put into our ‘engines’ matters. If you use cheap oils, it will cost you in the long run. You can not perform at or be your best when what you put into your body is impure or of inferior quality. To prove that doTerra’s products are of the highest quality all their oils are tested and certified not to contain pesticides, herbicides, fillers, synthetics or natural added compounds; a point which only reinforces the fact that these oils are of the highest quality.

Knowing that each and every one of the oils produced undergoes such thorough testing is very reassuring to me. In a world where more and more of the products that we use and the foods that we eat are filled with chemicals and artificial, synthetic materials and where there is an increasing awareness of the correlation between said ‘fillers’ and the effect that it is having on our health; what I choose to put on my skin, inhale and ingest is more important than ever before. Since commencing using doTerra’s products I have certainly noticed a positive difference to my health (my skin is clearer, my hair is shinier, and my energy levels are dramatically increased).

  1. doTerra’s commitment to wellness

DoTerra is truly a company that ‘walks the walk’ so to speak. Wellness is not just something that they talk about on a superficial level, nor are the oils they sell, just another product. Their belief in the benefits of essential oils is so resolute that they company has recently broken ground on a phenomenal 67,055 square foot medical clinic in Salt Lake City, Utah in the USA. This will be a medical unlike any other, a centre with a natural approach to health and wellbeing. Further clinics are said to follow, however, when and where are yet to be determined. This clinic will focus on health and wellbeing, with their amazing range of essential oils at the forefront, helping people to achieve and maintain their wellness, naturally.

And it’s not just doTerra that have realised the benefits of taking a natural approach to our health care. Some mainstream hospitals have started to integrate doTerra’s essential oils into their health care regimes. Hospitals such as Henderson Hospital in Nevada and Cape Coral Hospital in Florida (to name but a few) are proudly leading the way in revolutionising the landscape of health and wellbeing. Both of whom have introduced doTerra essential oils into the hospital to assist doctors and nurses who are using the oils as part of their patient centred approach to pain. Which is an amazing step in fighting today’s over prescription and patient reliance on ‘traditional’ pain killers.

  1. Values and ethics


doTerra is a company that truly cares. You only but have to spend a few minutes on the Healing Hands page of doTerra’s website to know that this is a statement that is 100% true. They care about the health and wellness of the consumers who use their product, the sustainability of the plants and flowers that they harvest and also the wellbeing of the farmers, growers and distillers, the communities that grow these plants and flowers. DoTerra as a company has a conscience unlike anything I have seen in a company of this stature. For me this gives me great pleasure and joy. Joy that my money (the money I spend buying doTerra’s products) not only buys me something of quality but it also goes to assisting people and communities in genuine need. There truly are few companies that can compare.


A prime example of doTerra’s heart is their Healing Hands Foundation. The Healing Hands Foundation was set up by doTerra with the purpose of offering hope to millions of people around the world. Their mission to free people from disease and poverty, as well as empowering communities with the tools that they need to become self-reliant. Beautiful doTerra products such as the Rose Oil Hand Lotion and the Hope Oil help to fund the foundations works, with 100% of their profits going directly to helping onto those people and communities that need it most.

Since the foundation’s inception in 2012 they have rolled out missions such as building schools to educate girls in Nepal, digging and establishing water wells for the people of Haiti and helped to free sex-enslaved girls These are but a few examples of this amazing companies work. And once again drives home the reason why I choose doTerra.


Amazingly it is not just people that they look to protect, they care about sustainability and plants too. The company choosing to cease the production of Rosewood oil as soon as it was listed as an endangered flora; Stating, “We will never compromise the sustainability of nature for profit,”

a fact that only reinforces how much this company cares on every level.


Finally, doTerra’s oil collection is sourced from over 40 countries, half of which are developing countries – directly putting money into the farmers, the families and the villages of which the oils are sourced. The partnership between the plant growers, oil distillers and doTerra is seen as just that, a partnership. And this relationship is treated with the utmost respect. doTerra believes it is vital that the growers and distillers are paid and treated fairly – this is a point that the company stands by and enforces.


  1. Because it works!

Lastly and certainly not least (this is by far the most persuasive argument of all): you should choose DoTerra for you and your family because it works! Not only have I used it successfully in my home, but I have assisted countless others on their journey to wellness through the use of these beautiful, healing oils. (Check out their testimonials here.)

There may be some of you out there who are still sceptical, wondering whether this will really work for you? This is a natural response and I would expect you to question something of which you have had no real exposure, furthermore I respect and applaud you for doing so. Remember we truly grow when we challenge and question the information in front of us. And so, I want you to think about religion for a moment. When baby Jesus was born, what did the 3 wise men bring as gifts? Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh. We all know this story but has anyone given any thought as to why these were the gifts of choice? Its simple: because these were the most valuable commodities at the time. Frankincense and Myrrh (both essential oils) were as valuable as gold, highly revered for their health properties.

With all this being said, I challenge you to try it before deciding as to whether it will work for your or not. If you would like to experience the magic of these beautiful, natural, healing oils for yourself, contact me at _ (how would you like them to contact you, email, phone or both?)

 Namaste, Nurse Jackie x

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